#Pound Communications Support Area

Google Chrome Browser

Quick Fixes and How-To's

Setting Your Homepage

  1. Open your Chrome browser.
  2. Navigate to the site that you want to use as your homepage.
  3. Click on Menu button.
  4. Click on the Settings.
  5. Go to the On startup section and click the Set pages link.
  6. Click the Use current pages button.
  7. Select the page you want as your homepage.
  8. Click the OK button.

Fast Access for Deleting Cookies

Press and hold down the CTRL + SHIFT keys and
tap the Delete or Del key.

A Clear browsing data window will appear.
Place a check mark next to the items you want to delete.
Press the Clear browsing data button.

Adding a Bookmark

Click on the star or press CTRL+D on the keyboard.
A menu will drop down, select the folder you want your
bookmark in and click the Done button.

Chrome Hotkeys

  • ALT+F - Opens the chrome settings menu.
  • ALT+HOME - Go to Home Page.
  • ALT+LEFT ARROW - Go to the previous page from your history.
  • ALT+RIGHT ARROW - Go to the next page from your history.
  • CTRL+H - Opens the History windows
  • CTRL+J - Opens the Downloads windows.
  • CTRL+K - Opens the Quick Search in the address bar.
  • CTRL+L - Highlights the URL in the address bar.
  • CTRL+N - Opens a new Chrome browser.
  • CTRL+T - Opens a new tab.
  • CTRL+U - Opens the Source Page of the current page.
  • CTRL+W - Closes the current Tab.
  • CTRL+Link Click - Opens link in new tab.
  • CTRL+TAB - Switch to next tab.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+B - Toggle bookmark bar.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+N - Open a new incognito window. (for private browsing)
  • CTRL+SHIFT+T - Reopens the last closed tab.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE - Opens the Clear Browsing Data windows
  • SPACE BAR - Scroll down the current web page.

Trouble Shooting - Fix your Chrome browser problems

Nothing here yet, but you can check out the links in the "External Links" section below to resolve any issues with Google Chrome.

External Links - Information and software downloads

Google Chrome Browser
Chrome Extensions / Addons
Chrome Support Center