#Pound Communications Support Area

Mac Outlook 2011 - Creating a POP3 Account.

Start Outlook 2011.

Click on Tools / Accounts...

An Accounts window will appear. On the left-side is a column, at the bottom of the column is a plus (+) sign. Click on the + sign and then click on E-mail....

A "Enter your account information" windows will appear.

E-mail address:

Type in your glisnet email address, i.e., username@glis.net


Type in the password for that email address.
When you type in your password the window will expand down with more options
Type in the following below.

E-mail address:

Type in your glisnet email address, i.e, username@glis.net


Type in the password for that email address

User name:

Type in your glisnet email address, i.e, username@glis.net



Incoming Server:


Incoming server port:


Outgoing server:

Check the box for Override default port
Remove 25 and type in 587 in the field for the outgoing server port.

Click the "Add Account" button.

Back at the main "Accounts" window.

Account description:

Type in your email address.

Full name:

Type in your name. This is the name that appears on the emails that your send out.

Click the More Options... button located near the bottom.

This next window is for authenticating information on the outgoing server.


Drop down list and select, User Name and Password


Type in your glisnet email address.


Type in the password for that email address.
Click the "OK" button.

Close out of the "Accounts" window.
Your all set!