Open Outlook Express.
Click on Tools / Accounts...
In Internet Accounts, click on the Add button and then click on Mail...
Display name:
Type in your name.
E-mail address:
Type in your glisnet email address.
Type and select the following information.
My incoming mail server is a
Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP, or HTTP) server:
mail.mailconfig.netOutgoing mail (SMTP) server:
Type and select the following information.
Account name:
Type in your email address.Password:
Type in the password for your email address.Click the Finish button.
You'll see the new account you just created.
Click the Close button.
You'll be back at the main Outlook Express window.
Click the Send/Recv button.
This window will appear. Let it finish downloading the emails. Once it's done it'll disappear.
Once it's done downloading emails, you can start using Outlook Express.